Premium League runs from 10:00 GMT on 1st August until 23:59 GMT on 14th November 2022.
Qualifying periods run weekly from 00:00 GMT on Tuesday until 23:59 GMT on Monday with the exception of the first, which runs from 10:00 GMT on 1st August until 23:59 GMT on 8th August. If there is an international break, the qualifying period will run fortnightly. More details on qualifying periods can be found in the Missions section of the poker software.
You must opt in at the start of each qualifying period by pressing the ‘Opt in’ button located in the Missions section of the poker software.
You must also complete your mission in order for your predictions to count towards the weekly leaderboard. All information regarding mission requirements, completion and fixtures can be found in the Missions section of the poker software.
Providing the mission has been completed, one leaderboard point will be awarded for each game you make a prediction on and three additional leaderboard points will be awarded for each correct prediction. The leaderboard is updated weekly, and points are awarded after fixtures have been completed for that qualifying period. Leaderboard information can be found in the Premium League section of the poker software.
All prizes awarded from weekly leaderboard placement are credited within 48 hours of the leaderboard being updated.
This offer is only available to new and eligible customers.
For more information about all offers please visit the bet365 website.